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Introduction to Behavioral Disorders

Introduction to Behavioral Disorders

Some children might display behaviour that may seem odd or disagreeable behaviour that may cause the child emotional or social problems. Nevertheless with help, the situation can be improved greatly. Here we learn different behavioural problems.
In today's fast paced world, almost every mother will tell you that she has a problem child on her hands. But this is really not the case. One has to face basic problems and tensions while bringing up any child. But these problems are common to most parents, and are not necessarily symptomatic of a behavioural disorder that requires psychological counselling or treatment.

So what exactly is a behavioural disorder?

Whenever a child displays a pattern of behaviour that does not conform to basic expected or accepted norms of the society that we live in and thereby causes a degree of anxiety or concern to those around her, then that child is termed maladjusted and is displaying a sort of behavioural disorder.
Behavioural disorders can be of many kinds. There are certain habit disorders like enuresis (bed-wetting), thumb-sucking, nail biting, stammering and feeding problems. And then there are personality disorders like shyness, temper tantrums and daydreaming. And worst of all are the delinquency acts like stealing, lying, sexual offences, basic indiscipline and playing truant.

What are the common causes of behavioural disorders?

Children who show the signs of behavioural disorders are facing some problem or the other which they cannot express. The frustration arising out of these problems thus erupts in form of behavioural disorders. Let us take a look at some of the common causes of behavioural disorders in children.
  • Bullying at school
  • Fights between parents
  • Getting beatings from parents constantly
  • Getting scolded by parents regularly
  • Not getting adequate attention and time from parents
  • Poor nutrition and faulty eating habits
  • Improper behaviour of parents towards child and others
  • Dyslexia
  • Autism
  • Divorce or separation of parents
  • Sexual abuse
When children have to face any or some of the above mentioned circumstances, their mental health gets affected. The repercussions of these circumstances give rise to the various symptoms of behavioural problems in them.

How to prevent behavioural problems in children?

The instances of behavioural problems in children are increasing day-by-day. Therefore, parents must take right measures to prevent behavioural problems in children. They must spend adequate time with children and find out what is happening in their day-to-day life, the kind of friends they hang-out with, their teachers etc.
Parents must talk to them every day when they are back from school or at night while going to bed to find out how their day was. A child needs love of both mother and father to grow in a healthy way. So, it is must for both the parents to spend quality time with a child. Spending quality time with children, talking to them on daily basis and paying right attention towards them is very important to help them open-up and share their problems with parents. If children are able to express their problems in a healthy way, behavioural problems can be prevented in them to a greater extent.
It is also necessary to avoid any arguments and fight in front of children. If parents have any differences they must resolve them peacefully when children are not around. It is very necessary to have a happy married life in order to raise happy, healthy and well balanced children. At the same time it is also very important to pay attention at the nutritional requirements of children. If children do not get adequate nutrients, they may suffer with deficiency diseases, which may give rise to the symptoms of behavioural problems in them. And above all, parents must always set examples of good behaviour for their children if they expect the same from them.

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curly.9 years ago
My son is 8 yrs old but his behaviour is like a teenager. Always argues, no study n all the time wants to either play or watch TV. Is very aggressive at home n with his friends. Dont know how to deal with this situation!
vandana.11 years ago
very nice article...helpful too
Kok Wai
Kok Wai.11 years ago
I could understand the difficulties of parents with children who have behavioral disorders. We know the child has to be counseled psychologically but we just don't know how to. A friend introduced me to some very interesting teaching. Bad things happen in life for example feeling of sadness, pain, quarrel, being forced to do things out of one's will. Because of this we suffer. Suffering can be overcome and happiness can be attained; true happiness and contentment are possible. Through queiting and calming we can achieve that peace with your heart. The Kechara LAMA TSONGKHAPA Chakra has the energy to stabilise depressed, restless and unhappy minds, calms and clears deluded and angry minds, increases intelligence and wisdom.
jaykumar kulkarni
jaykumar kulkarni.12 years ago
my son is now 18 years he has good behaviour,never talking false,good orders maintain from parents the problem is he cant understood any thing he failed 12th exam 3 times ,he has no frainds,not living home 24 hours in home not intrested anything, no commercial and social knowledge, not knowing diff.between state and country some specific thing will have best problem is how to develop he and what i do for he.Because i confuse that he do not do anything no education no acting,no job,no business please help me on email or
Susendhran.13 years ago
I am an Ex-stammerer. My self developed Stammering Therapy Programme address the physical manifestation of the disorder to increase the speech fluency, as well as the psychological side to increase self-confidence and helps to become a more effective communicator. To get relief from stammering, please send a mail to ''
nadia.13 years ago
hello i ahve a one year old daughter she has a habbit of screaming when ever we dont ful fill what she wants it is ver embrassing when we are doing shopping and she ask for things here and there and when we do not give her she screams and make other people irrabtalbe plead ehelp me whta shpuld i do
Chaitra.13 years ago
My daughter is 2.9 yrs old ,she doesn't speak as other kids of her age & very stubborn & wants to play herself all the time.We showed her to some docs & they told she falls under Autistic spectrum.So rt now we r in b'lore looking for good speech therapist .Pls suggest any around south bangalore.
vijaya.13 years ago
my 6yrs old daughter is very stubarn&dont eat properly,please suggest
.13 years ago
Anybody who wants to learn easiest and fastest steps to get relief from the burden of stammering from the comfort of home may send email to I am providing information and supporting whose lives are affectec by stammering.
amina shiekh
amina shiekh.13 years ago
my son has d same problem as siddharth.pls suggest
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