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Lunch With a Punch

Lunch With a Punch

Since good food has a direct effect on a kid's mental and physical growth, parents must constantly monitor the nutritional value of their kid's lunch. Here are some tips for packing a good tiffin box for your child.

Recent research confirms the co-relation between good nutrition and high academic performance. Good food helps to boost a child's school performance by stabilizing blood-sugar levels, which further leads to increased energy and balanced moods. A healthy, well-balanced lunch therefore can go a long way to improve a child's mental acuity in school.
Here are some suggestions for preparing a visually appealing and calorie-rich meal.

Do Not labour Over a Gourmet

You should not take too long over a dish or a delicacy. Remember the aim is not to create records, but healthy children. Your kid's lunch box is not a cookery competition. So start by accomplishing some bit of morning work in the night itself, so that you avoid morning rush. Use disposable lunch containers for individual items. This will help cut down on cleanup time when the lunch box comes home. This tactic will also prevent loss of wonderful lunch containers every now and then.

Avoid Boredom

Children get bored very fast. So try some unconventional ideas. Vary the items you pack in their lunches. Pack a sandwich one day, macaroni and a vegetable salad the next day, and a stuffed parantha with chutney a day later. Try to make food more visually appealing and fun. Use different breads for sandwiches, cut the sandwiches with a cookie cutter, or at least jazz up the regular ones with honey and jam.

Don't Pack Things That Your Children Don't Like

The chances of your children eating disliked delicacies, that too away from your hawk eyes, are minimal. Lunch boxes are not the ideal places to get your child to eat what he or she doesn't like in the first place.

Veggies and Fruits Are a Must

Encourage kids to eat colourful vegetables as they pack a powerful nutrition punch loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fruits add colour and sweetness to the Tiffin. Aversion to vegetables should be discouraged at a very early age.

Small is Beautiful

Kids like foods that are in small sizes and quantity. For example, a peeled orange, a small box of raisins, baby carrot sticks, a small cup of cottage cheese, mini meatballs, a small sandwich, a small container of dry cereals, and a small container of yogurt.

Involve Your Children

Give them responsibility of preparing their lunch after the evening meal. They will learn to practice good hygiene and choose nutritious foods at the same time. That will also reduce the chances of their rejecting the food.

Act as Good Role Models

Children are more likely to eat what they see their parents eating and vice versa. Set a good example for your children by eating healthy, well-balanced meals yourself. Don't expect them to eat salads while you devour butter chicken. Give appropriate rewards to encourage them to finish their lunches. The rewards may not be monetary. You may promise an extra bedtime story or a good book.
Follow the above tips to the ‘T’ and do not force your child to eat. Aim at making your child eat healthy food and encourage him to finish his or her lunch box. Therefore, you must try to pack your child’s tiffin in such a way that it appeals your child to eat healthy.

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khyati furial
khyati furial.9 years ago
Want to learn more
Radhika.14 years ago
my son is also a very fussy eater. hence, i have to keep trying different types of dishes which look attractive.
anjna.14 years ago
my daughter who is two years old. she is also making fuss.i also trying different types of dishes but of no use. she is getting weaker day by day. she even do,t drink milk. what to do. i have a same problem like you please help me out from this
SHAMA.14 years ago
i feel that parents who have kids loving to eat are very lucky , but there are kids who dont enjoy eating but still there are certain things which he enjoys eating i make it a point to go through many cooking books and try to find dishes which are similar to his taste and make them for him .attractive colours and shapes do help.
RHYTHMA.14 years ago
my daughter(5 yrs old) is very fussy in eating food, but she enjoys fruits very much. she does not like milk or milk made items, too.
NRI Indian
NRI Indian.14 years ago
here in the u.s, american children feed themselves at one year of age and no one worries about their kid not eating enough. american parents take a very "hands off" approach by offering food and the kids always will eat when they are hungry. i think indian parents are too paranoid about their kids eating and they force feed them causing them to hate food creating the whole cycle
tree hugger
tree hugger.14 years ago
i happened to stumble upon your lunch advice and am very concerned with whomever wrote about using disposable containers to make life simple. this is only acceptable if the disposable container/wrapper is biodegradeable ( such as a paper product for dry snacks)or there is a place in the school dedicated to recycling. if a billion people get as careless as the us, we will feeding our children good lunches but allowing them to grow up with in a filthy polluted world.
shweta.14 years ago
my daughter who is 5 yrs.old is very fussy in eating food.but she loves to eat different types of dosas , idlis.but she doesnt like fruits very i try to give her different types of milkshakes.
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