Shilpa Sethi

Travelling with small kids

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Travelling with kids is challenging but a bit of know-how travelling with small children needn't be a hassle.
My boy gets very excited once he comes to know about that we are on a go, he packs his bag with his favorite things too. Young children have short attention spans and get tired very quickly; tips below can help your travel be a pleasing experience…

Be prepared for the climate:
Knowing about the environment where you are planning to go is a good thing to fill your bags with required things, like for example if you a visiting a cold place you can Google the climatic conditions there and fill your bags with warm clothing, gloves, socks etc to layer him up and still make your child stay active in his stay and enjoy himself. But make sure that he is not layered up too much as that can also make him cranky during the stay.

Stay Protected:
When you are travelling antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizers should be an essentials in the handbag, we often do not come across hand wash facilities when at bay and keeping your kids protected using sanitizers can keep them away from bugs. Baby wipes useful for washing hands, cleaning toilet seats, and wiping down restaurant tables.
I make sure to keep anti mosquito cream / stickers too as an essential as you never know there is a bug attack if you are visiting a zoo, going on jangle safari, or on a visit to a damp place.
Medicines for fever, colic, band-aids, nappy rash crèmes, should also be kept handy.

Keep Activities handy:
If you’re out on a long journey or travelling alone with the child like I did last month, have a collection of toys ready like handheld puzzles, small coloring books, crayons, stickers, story books and sometimes post-its can also be a good time pass for your kids for a long car or flight journeys. Involving a child in listening music through i-pods, or keeping an interesting video in your mobile / tab can also help out.

Give him his camera
Giving toddlers their own camera can encourage them to observe their surroundings better, and focus on what interests them. My 3 year old surprises me with the results from their knee-high view. I have been amazed by his clicks; he has shot me, his father in different poses, shot flowers, mountains, water etc…
Initially toy camera can help kids develop the sense of responsibilities and interest which can then be upgraded to your old-camera in the cupboard, I am sure they will love your trust in them to handle the device!

Don’t fill their stomachs much
Don’t feed children more while travelling as this can result in vomiting, rather keep certain things like chewable tangy candies handy as this can help kids with movement of the car / flight.
And be sure of keeping an extra pair of dress, a towel hanky / wipes too to avoid last minute rush on such accidents. Disposable bibs can be a good idea to keep near avoiding dirty clothing.
If you plan to stay at a hotel, carry plenty of their favorite snacks and drinks when touring around. Keeping ready to eat stuff packs can be a great help for kids as they are fussy eaters and tend to eat by their choice.

Pre-book your journey
Finding accommodation when you arrive can be challenging with children in tow. So even if you do want to keep things flexible, it's worth pre-booking for your first few nights: this will allow you to look for other places in a more leisurely way

On the GO
Carrying babies in a sling strapped to the body is a popular option; both hands remain free, I think they are perfect travel aid
Hand-held carrycots and prams are superb for babies small enough to carry when on the move, and can double up as a bed in the hotels as most hotels does not have shields to prevent babies falling off the bed. An extra pair of baby sheets too helps baby sleep on a sanitized home fresh sheet than available at the hotels.
If your children still crawl around on the floor, one way of keeping them reasonably clean is to take a plastic sheet that you can put down anywhere for them to play on.
When at hotels be careful about the dangers of unfamiliar places, such as unfenced swimming pools or balconies

Take care, hope these tips help you out with your kid outdoor, and share your experiences too.


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